The Star Sign of Cancer & Typical Cancer Traits

A person's star sign, which ranges from Aries to Pisces, is said to reveal a lot about their personality and may also influence their financial habits. The twelve zodiac signs originated in antiquity and were associated with Greek mythology. The elements of air, water, fire, and earth also influenced the interpretation of the star signs, which can be classified as fixed, flexible, or cardinal. 

The Star Sign of Cancer

Cancer, like the other zodiac signs, is based on a constellation of stars. This constellation is particularly faint, making it more difficult to see in the night sky than some of its neighbours. Although the name "Cancer" has Latin origins, the constellation was discovered 5,000 years ago in ancient Egypt. At first, it represented a tortoise, but the Greeks later reinterpreted it as a crab. According to legend, the demigod Heracles killed Carcinos, a sea creature, during a battle against Hydra. Hera, the queen of the gods, recognised Carcinos by granting him a place in the night sky. 

Cancer is located on the fourth axis of the ecliptic, between Gemini and Leo, at approximately 90-120°. The sun's migration occurs between June 22nd and July 22nd. That is, if your birthday falls during this period, your sun sign is Cancer. However, the precise time and place of your birth reveal far more about your personality. This is because your astrological chart takes into account the positions of planets such as Mercury and Uranus at the time of your birth. For example, if you are a Cancer rising, your outward presentation to the world will be that of a Cancer. Or you could be a Cancer moon, which means you have the same emotional and physical responses as a Cancer.  

According to Greek astrologer and astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, who lived 2,000 years ago, Cancers have a feminine energy and are ruled by the moon. The moon represents the hidden, emotional world; consider how its gravitational forces affect the earth's ebb and flow. Cancer is also associated with the element water, which represents fluidity, emotion, vitality, and change. So it's only natural that Cancers are among the signs most likely to effect change in their own lives. 

Typical Cancer Traits  & What’s a Cancer Like?

If each star sign had its own song, Cancer would listen to "What a Feeling" on repeat. Cancers, like the sensitive Pisces, are driven by their emotions. So it's no surprise that many Cancers are described as moody, as they may have difficulty concealing their emotions. From euphoria to boredom to deep frustration, this star sign's emotions are often written all over their faces, and they can change on a dime. 

More rational signs, such as Virgo or Capricorn, may be annoyed by this sensitive sign, but others admire Cancers for their deep well of emotions. Furthermore, cardinal signs like Cancer understand how to navigate their emotions and even use them to their advantage; some claim that Cancers can cry on demand to get their way when they want something. However, as with many signs, the characteristics of Cancer are more complex than they appear.

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